How to convert the pressure of a manometer to temperature?



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As I explained briefly in my previous article (which explains how to recover the pressure of extraction on a lever machine), it is possible to know the water temperature of a boiler by measuring the water pressure.

Example of a double pressure gauge found in some coffee machines. Top: boiler pressure, bottom: pressure during extraction.

We all know that water boils at 100°C at an atmospheric pressure of 1.013 bar (ie at an altitude equal to sea level). When you go up in altitude, the atmospheric pressure therefore reduces the temperature of the mud water to a lower temperature (for example at an altitude of 6000m, the water boils at 80°C, because the atmospheric pressure is 0.471 bar).

I have divided the article into two parts:

  • The theory
  • The practice

The theory

So in the case of the use of a boiler (and in my case, the boiler of a coffee machine), it is to find precisely the temperature of the water knowing its altitude and its pressure. This relationship can be calculated using the Clapeyron formula.

Formule de Clapeyron
  • T: Temperature
  • ∆ V: Variation of the molar volume during phase
  • L change: latent heat equal to the change of enthalpy to the changing state, at constant pressure

Using this formula, I was able to build a water temperature conversion chart compared to the bar pressure observed in the boiler of the Pavoni coffee machine. This table was made for an altitude of 40m (at sea level).

Temperature (°C)Pressure (bar)

When you buy coffee from your roaster you can ask at what ideal temperature can be extracted such or such coffee. For some coffee it will be rather 88 °c while for others it will be rather 92 °c. Using the table and graph below, you can easily find the ideal temperature on your machine.

Graph of the relationship between temperature and pressure of the La Pavoni boiler.

Table of boiling water temperatures according to altitude

Example of reading the table: What is the boiling point of water at an altitude of 1800 m? The decomposition 1800 = 1500 + 300 brings us to the intersection of the 1500 m line and the 300 m column where we read the temperature of 94.0 °C. Source of the table: click here.

And in practice: how to do it?

For everyday use, I found a small Android app that does the math on its own. It is called Nomograph and is free.

This is how the app looks

  • In the “Normal boiling point in °C” menu, you must indicate the boiling temperature of water according to your altitude (for example 100°C if you are at sea level or 95°C if you are at 1500m).
  • In the “Pressure in mbar/hPa” section, you must indicate the pressure value read on your manometer. For example, if the pressure gauge indicates 0.750 bar, you must enter 750 mbar in the application.
  • In the last menu: “temperature in °C”, the temperature of your boiler will be displayed when you click on the “temperature estimation” button.


In the two images above you can see the difference:

Example: I calculated the water temperature in a boiler at 750 mbar pressure. In this case I indicated a boiling point reference value of 100°C for an altitude of 0m. Boiler temperature is 89.6°C

Example: I calculated the water temperature in a boiler at 750 mbar pressure. In this case I indicated a boiling point reference value of 100°C for an altitude of 1500m. Boiler temperature is 84.74°C

It is also possible to search for the value in mbar using a desired temperature.

In short, for people looking to control the temperature of a coffee machine boiler using a pressure gauge, this application is really practical. I made myself a table of some temperatures used and wrote them down on a sheet that I leave next to my coffee machine.


5 responses to “How to convert the pressure of a manometer to temperature?”

  1. Chris Avatar

    At sea level. When the gauge reads 1 bar, the absolute pressure inside the boiler is 2 bar. The water temps inside the boiler at operating pressure (0.5-1 bar) range from 110 to 120 degree celsius.

  2. Johannes F Avatar
    Johannes F

    Your statement is wrong as you can see if checking wikipedia on pressure cooking: « Most pressure cookers have a cooking (operating) pressure setting between 0.8–1 bar (11.6–15 psi) (gauge) so the pressure cooker operates at 1.8 to 2.0 bar (absolute). The standard cooking pressure of 15 psi gauge was determined by the United States Department of Agriculture in 1917. At this pressure, water boils at 121 °C (250 °F) (described in vapour pressure of water article). »

    This lead me to assumption that the chart on this page is fully correct regarding to what pressure gauge on the boiler reads. So 2.0 bar on boiler manometer means 120° Celcius water temperature in boiler.

    The German wikipedia entry states this even more clear: 1.8 Pressure (0.8 Bar over pressure in the cooker) = 117°C

    This would also align that metal of my pavoni brew group gets between 80-90°C when having boiler pressure 0,8 bar for a long time period. Otherwise (your conclusion) it must get much more hot (100-110°C).

  3. Warmhalteplatte Avatar

    Chris is absolutely correct. The manometer doesn’t show absolute pressure (bara). What you see is overpressure in barg (in relation to the atmospheric pressure). Thus, at a value of 0,8 shown at the manometer, you get 0,8 barg or 1,8 bara and with this 117 °C in the boiler.


    1. If 0,8 would show an absolute pressure of 0,8 bara, the pressure in the boiler would be below atmospheric pressure. That means, when you open the steam, air would be sucked into the boiler. In reality the steam streams out quickly. That means, you have an overpressure inside.

    2. If your assumption is true, the temperature at a manometer value of 0,1 would be 45 °C according to the table above. Thus, it would be no problem to touch the boiler at the moment the needle starts to move. This is not true. Just try, if you don’t believe.

    1. Johannes F Avatar
      Johannes F

      Thanks for having me taking a look again and think about it. It’s correct that you have to add atmosphere pressure to the number the boiler manometer shows.

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