ANKOMN measuring spoon test

In the world of coffee, precision is essential to obtain a good drink. It is in this sense, that I regularly indicate on my blog that you have to weigh your coffee. This precision, important for an espresso coffee, is less important for other extractions (type V60 for example). In this sense, the company ANKOMN sent me a measuring spoon to test. It is the same company that manufactures the vacuum boxes that I had already presented on my site. What is the precision of a measuring spoon worth? This is what we will discover immediately.

Presentation of the measuring spoon

The spoon is made of thick plastic, BPA-free, which immediately indicates a good longevity of the product. A lid is used to close the spoon in order to eliminate any surplus from the food taken.

Closing the lid allows you to expel the excess of the food removed.

The lid can be removed to properly clean the spoon.

The spoon has been optimized to dose the coffee from a V60 extraction. They indicate that it is necessary to put 300 ml of water with 2 spoons of coffee for 1 cup.

What about precision?

What about the primary function? namely the precision? It is also in this sense that I agreed to perform this test for Ankomn, because I was curious to know if a measuring spoon can be precise or not.

You will find in the table below the repeatability of different products sampled with this measuring spoon. The weighing was carried out with a precision balance.

Repeat Coffee Beans Rice Sugar
1 9.26 19.43 23.6
2 9.67 17.46 26.03
3 9.47 20.14 23.65
4 9.87 21.03 23.22
5 9.55 20.51 22.68
6 9.89 20.79 22.97
7 9.9 19.61 22.60
8 10 18.90 23.40
9 9.97 18.26 23.03
10 9.73 21 22.81
Average 9.731 19.713 23.399
Standard deviation 0.24 1.21 0.99

The large standard deviation found on the small items (grains of rice and sugar) must have resulted from the fact that during the tests I filled the spoon incorrectly at times. For coffee beans I was amazed at the effectiveness of the test because the difference is not significant. Anyway, I think that proper use of this accessory can make it effective.

How the test was performed.


For a price of $ 7.99 + transport, if you are looking for a measuring spoon for V60 extractions, this can be a good investment. For espresso coffee, I will continue to use my scale for more precision.


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