Coffee recipe: The recipe of coffee to the egg

I found a recipe for a really atypical coffee that had a lot of positive feedback. If like me you have some culinary curiosity, I think you’ll want to try.

Normally, this coffee is prepared in Vietnam using a Phin: a stainless steel accessory consisting of three parts: a kind of filter, a container and a lid. This recipe therefore requires a gentle and slow extraction method.

I personally have a greater affinity with hot coffee, but the Vietnamese egg coffee can be served hot or cold.

Vietnamese Coffee Phin Filter. Method of extraction of slow coffee, by infusion. You will have a similar result using an Italian coffee maker or a filter coffee maker.

This recipe was invented in 1946 by Nguyen Van Giang, a bartender from a luxury hotel. During the Indochina War, Milk became a rare food commodity. Mr. Giang had the idea of replacing milk with an egg. Thus appeared the Cà phê trúng or “café à le egg”.

Interestingly, the coffee where this recipe was invented still exists today. It is “Petit Café Giang”, near Lake Hoan Kiem in Hanoi. As you may have guessed, it was created by Mr. Giang.

Now that you know a little better the context of the creation of this recipe and its history, I invite you to try it.

Recipe of Vietnamese Egg coffee


  • 1 cup of hot black coffee
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon of milk
  • 1.5 tablespoon of powdered sugar
  • 1 tablespoon fresh cream
  • 1 teaspoon of butter


  • Beat the egg yolk and the sugar to get a white, airy foam.
  • Add milk, cream and butter
  • Pour the mixture into a cup
  • Gently add your coffee.

If like me, you understand English, this second video is made for you. This other tourist shows a little better what the coffee in question looks like.


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