Review of Nespresso Reusable Pods

Before buying me a real espresso machine, I had a Nespresso machine. And quickly I became aware of the ecological problem of the pods, but also of their significant costs. I ended up interested in rechargeable pods for these two reasons: no longer use aluminum/plastic unnecessarily and reduce my coffee budget. Today I have the necessary… Continue reading Review of Nespresso Reusable Pods

Apollo vs Kinu M47: A user feedback on the Apollo

As you know, grinding your coffee is essential for making a good espresso. I started with a Porlex that I later replaced with the Kinu M47 (which I did the review here). Then I decided to replace Kinu M47 with the latest high quality manual coffee grinder: the “Apollo coffee grinder” (manufactured by BPlus, with… Continue reading Apollo vs Kinu M47: A user feedback on the Apollo

Measure and understand the pressure on a Pavoni

Controlling and understanding the water pressure in your coffee machine is important in order to successfully extract it. This parameter is completely controlled on automatic machines while it is less on a manual machine such as the Pavoni. Some knowledge can help to better understand and better control the water pressure when using the Pavoni… Continue reading Measure and understand the pressure on a Pavoni

How to keep your coffee well?

The preservation of coffee is essential not to affect the aromas of coffee. Leaving it in the open air is synonymous with oxidation and when you like coffee, you quickly understand that mastering its preservation is important. Faced with this problem, I did some research to understand how to keep his coffee well. I will… Continue reading How to keep your coffee well?